23rd February 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to make arrangements for our diverse range of end-of-year trips once again.

In response to valuable parental feedback from the last year, it was noted that the booking system led to certain pupils initially missing out on trips due to a first-come, first-served process utilised by the electronic booking system.

In an effort to establish a more equitable and fairer system, and to motivate all pupils to strive for higher ‘achievement points’ and reduce ‘behaviour points’ this year, we have implemented these points as a criterion in cases of oversubscribed trips. This way, pupils with the better achievement and behaviour records are prioritised.

We have assigned spaces for end-of-year activities based on Talaxy Points, from the highest to the lowest, for the current academic year. As previously mentioned, the popularity of certain trips has unfortunately resulted in some pupils being unable to partake in their first-choice trip due to constraints in transportation and staffing. Kindly note that if a pupil’s behaviour record is deemed to jeopardise their own safety, and/or the safety of others during the trip, they will not be allowed to participate in the excursion.

If your child has secured a spot on their preferred trip, an email will be sent with a link to confirm their participation. For those unable to participate in their first-choice trip, they will have the opportunity to select an alternative trip with available spaces. While we understand that this may be disappointing for both you and your child, it’s important to emphasise that these trips serve as a reward for good behaviour, and this allocation method was deemed the fairest, given the limited number of spaces available for each trip.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. C. Mitchell
Care, Support & Guidance Coordinator