Community Links – Cysylltiadau Cymunedol

Links with the local community

Recently a group of our Welsh ambassadors visited Sullivan’s Café in Pontarddulais. They were invited to interview one of the owners Rachel about the importance of the use of Welsh in the workplace.

Rachel expressed that her customers face light up when they realise that the staff can provide a Welsh service and that they are extremely proud to be able to converse with their customers through the medium of Welsh.

Click here for photos.

She advised our Welsh ambassadors to strive to keep the language alive as it’s a very important part of our culture and heritage.

“It is an invaluable skill to have and opens doors. Being able to speak Welsh could give you the edge in an interview.”

“Submerge yourselves in the language.”

Click here for photos.

Byddwch yn falch o’r Iaith Gymraeg!

Yn ddiweddar ymwelodd grŵp o’n llysgenhadon â Chaffi Sullivan’s ym Mhontarddulais. Cawsant wahoddiad i gyfweld â un o’r perchnogion o’r enw Rachel, am bwysigrwydd defnyddio’r Gymraeg yn y gweithle.

Mynegodd Rachel fod ei chwsmeriaid yn hapus tu hwnt fod y staff yn gallu darparu gwasanaeth Cymraeg a’u bod yn hynod falch o allu sgwrsio â’u cwsmeriaid trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Cliciwch yma am luniau.

Cynghorodd ein llysgenhadon i ymdrechu i gadw’r iaith yn fyw gan ei bod yn rhan bwysig iawn o’n diwylliant a’n treftadaeth.

Dywedodd hi…“It is an invaluable skill to have and opens doors. Being able to speak Welsh could give you the edge in an interview.”

“Submerge yourselves in the language.”

Cliciwch yma am luniau.