October 2023

Dear Parent,

Swansea Council School Governing Bodies
Election of Parent Governors

I issued a letter last month in respect of the vacancies below and understand that not all parents may have received the communication. To that end the deadline for applications has been extended to the date shown below and will be on the school website under News and Letters.

I am writing to inform you that there are two vacancies for a Parent Governor for your child’s school and you are invited to submit a nomination for the post of Parent Governor. The new appointment will commence in the Autumn Term 2023.

In general, any parent of a registered pupil at the school, at the time of the election, is eligible to be a Parent Governor and to hold office for four years even though your child may leave the school in the meantime.

If you are eligible and wish to be nominated as a Parent Governor, you should complete this online form which the Headteacher will be asked to sign once received.

The completed online form should submitted by Tuesday 10th October 2023 2.00 pm. Should you wish to complete a paper copy, then please contact the school.

If there are more nominations received than the number of vacancies for Parent Governors, then an election will take place.  Voting papers will be sent to all parents with children at the school.

Training courses for Governors are provided free by the Local Authority and information is also circulated from time to time regarding courses arranged by outside bodies, for which a fee may be payable.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Gareth Rees