4th July 2023

RE: Tesco Community Grant

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Our application for the Tesco Community Grants Scheme has been approved, and we are proud to announce that our Big Bocs Bwyd project has been selected for the customer vote at Tesco Pontarddulais.

What is Big Bocs Bwyd?

Big Bocs Bwyd is an initiative introduced by the Welsh Government to address poverty in local communities, reduce food waste, and provide valuable hands-on learning opportunities for our pupils. Big Bocs Bwyd’s aim is to ensure that no child is hungry and that every child is able to learn how to make good food choices that enable them to thrive.

The voting period will begin in-store during the first week of July 2023 and continue until the end of September 2023.

We kindly ask for your support during this voting phase. By participating in the customer vote at Tesco Pontarddulais, you can help our school secure the necessary funds to develop the Big Bocs Bwyd project. To cast your vote, kindly deposit your token into the designated box at the front of the store.

Thank you, for your ongoing support and involvement in our school’s initiatives.

Yours sincerely,

Mr D Lewis
Curriculum Coordinator