21st October 2021

 Dear Parent/Guardian,

 Half-term Update

This is a brief letter to keep you informed of a few important points:

  • Next week is half-term, pupils should return to school on Monday 1st November.
  • All staff and pupils should continue to take lateral flow device (LFD) tests twice a week over half-term and continue into November.
  • We are still having many pupils arriving in school each day without a mask (face covering), who are then supplied with a disposable mask in school. All pupils have been given four washable masks. I am sure you will agree that continually providing disposable masks is environmentally and economically harmful. Please ensure your child brings a mask each day.

You may find this latest Welsh Government Covid-19 guidance for secondary schools a useful reference: https://wales.assetbank-server.com/assetbank-wales/images/assetbox/7ecd4de8-92b2-4c9b-845c-68131ce5a595/asset7143.html

Our extra-curricular provision continues to grow, it is great to see so many pupils participating!  Some additional opportunities will be included after half-term that we shall send on to you when finalised.

Finally, I would personally like to thank you for making this first half-term a productive and successful one, despite the ongoing pandemic disruption.  On the whole, pupils’ attitude to learning and general conduct around the school has been excellent. They have shown a great community spirit through respecting Covid-19 safeguarding and through being polite and well mannered. A special mention to our Year 7 pupils who have settled into school extremely well despite not having their usual transition week last term. Well done! Without your continued parental support we know that all of the above would not be possible. We look forward to welcoming back your child in November.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. G. Rees
