Wednesday 17th May 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to inform you of the arrangements for the last day when Year 11 pupils will be together to sit an examination as a cohort. On Monday 12th June Year 11 pupils will be sitting their English Language Unit 3 examination in the morning. Following the examination, during lesson 3, we would like to invite pupils to come together on the school playing fields to reflect on their time in Pontarddulais Comprehensive School and carry out the long-held custom of signing each other’s shirts as a memento of their time spent here.

Pupils will need to bring in a spare white polo shirt or red school jumper if they wish to get them signed, they must not get the shirt they are wearing signed as they will need this for any remaining examinations.

From Monday 5th June Year 11 pupils will only need to attend school for their GCSE examinations. Pupils will be permitted to leave the school site following examinations.

On Monday 5th June, all Year 11 pupils will be sitting their English Language Unit 2 examination in the morning and a small number of pupils will be sitting French Unit 4 examination during the afternoon. For the rest of the school this will be an INSET day. However, all school transport will be running as normal during the morning, but the buses have been booked for the return journey from school to home for 11.45 a.m.  Buses will not be running at the end of the usual school day.

As you may be aware we operate a pre loved uniform shop in school where we take donations of good quality school uniform that are no longer needed. We then offer those out to others who need them for £1 per item, all proceeds go back into the school to buy resources. As your child comes to the end of their time with us if you do have any uniform you would like to pass on, from the standard uniform to trousers & football boots, we will take them. All we ask is they are good quality and washed before being brought in, if you could hand them into the office we would be very grateful.

As a school we want to thank you for your support over the last 5 years and we look forward to celebrating your child’s time at Pontarddulais during the school prom on Wednesday 28th June at Manor Park.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Christopher Mitchell
Care, Support and Guidance Coordinator