Friday 28th April 2023

Safeguarding concern

Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to draw your attention to a concern in relation to pupils arriving into school on school buses. Some pupils are walking from the drop off point at the front of the school to visit the local shop, which is located on Heol-y-Maes. This has resulted in pupils being late for registration and also rasies concerns in relation to safeguarding, as we are unable to supervise the pupils when they are off site. There is an early breakfast club in the canteen that is open until 8.20am, if pupils require to purchase breakfast.

We would kindly ask you to speak to your child regarding this matter and to explain that from Tuesday 2nd May, duty staff will be directing pupils from the bus into school.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours faithfully,

Assistant Headteacher