16 February 2023

Dear Parent/Guardian

The end of the summer term may seem far away but we have been busy planning a range of different trips for pupils to enjoy for our end of year educational visits/trips on 20th July.  Longer term we are busy planning how we can re-introduce foreign travel educational visits, we shall be updating you very soon on this.

This year we have listened to pupil voice who asked about reintroducing more school trips, so we have put on a menu of different trips that we hope will suit all tastes and interests.  From the exhilarating trips to theme parks to the more relaxed cinema trip, we hope there will be something for everyone.

There will also be three different styles of trips, we will have some trips that will leave on Wednesday 19th July, stay overnight in a hotel and return on Thursday 20th July.  Other trips will require an early start and late finish on the Thursday 20th July, the remaining trips will leave and return in time for the school buses.

Attached to this letter and also available on the school website is a brochure highlighting all 15 trips that we are offering pupils.  Some of the trips have limits on the amount of pupils we can take, this is due to the amount of hotel accommodation and transport we have been able to secure for them.  The timings mentioned in the brochure are subject to slight changes but the prices are fixed.

Can I invite you to look through the brochure and select a trip you would like your child to participate in.  All trips will be available to pay for in full on our online payment system SQUID from 7.00 am on Monday 27th February.  Those trips that have limited capacity will be on a first come first served basis, once a trip is full the SQUID system will shut off that trip.  Please do not come into school before that date with any other method of payment as it will not be accepted.  Once a trip has reached its capacity we will not be able to accept anymore pupils on those trips, pupils will have to pick another trip.  There is a facility on SQUID to put your child on a waiting list for a particular trip that is full but we can’t guarantee any additional capacity.  If a trip doesn’t have enough people signing up to it to make it financially viable, we will look to cancel the trip and offer those pupils an alternative or a refund.

Once your child has paid for a trip we will not be able to offer any refunds as we will already have used the funds to pay for the different elements of the trip.  The only instance where we will offer a refund is if we cancel the trip as a school.

The Summer trips are a reward for nearly all of our pupils who demonstrate excellent attendance and behaviour. If over the period before the trip your child has a number of unauthorised absences, persistent poor behaviour or a singular serious incident of poor behaviour we have the right to withdraw your child’s place on the trip.

I am sure you agree the trips will offer pupils a fantastic end to what is shaping up to be a busy academic year.  I fully appreciate it is very early to be asking parents to pay for summer trips but we have to book early to secure activities and transportation.

If you have any queries regarding anything to do with the trips please don’t hesitate to contact me on email evansm701@hwbcymru.net

Yours sincerely

Matthew Evans