25th November 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 10 pupils will have the opportunity to attend the school Christmas trip on Tuesday 20th December. The trip is a reward for attendance and behaviour throughout the autumn term. This year’s Christmas trip will be to Swansea’s Waterfront Winterland.

We will be leaving school at 10:15am and returning to school at 3.00pm in time for the buses. Pupils should attend school as normal, at 8:30am for registration. Festive activities will be organised within form groups until it is time to leave. During the day, pupils will have 45 minutes ice skating and the opportunity to explore the Waterfront Winterland and go on the many rides available. Pupils do not need to wear school uniform. Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather conditions on the day and be prepared for cold weather conditions, considering thick socks and gloves for the ice skating.

The online consent form must be completed to enable your child to go on the trip, please click here to complete.

The cost of the trip is £16.50 per pupil.  This includes transport and ice skating. Pupils will have the opportunity to have lunch at the Alpine Village and go on the many attractions at the park, which they will need additional money for.  Alternatively, your child can bring a packed lunch. You may make a payment for the trip using our Squid app under “Trips”. If you have any problems using any of our online systems, please contact the school office who can assist you.

 All payments and consent forms must be with us by 9.00 am on Tuesday 6th December and the payment system will close at that time, no further payments will be accepted after this cut off time and date.  The companies we are using have stipulated that we must confirm final numbers by that day.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept any payments after the Tuesday 6th deadline. Please note that all trips are non-refundable as we will be sending through your monies to the trip providers once the payment deadline has passed.

The Christmas trip is a reward for most of our pupils who demonstrate excellent attendance and behaviour in the first term of the academic year. If over the period before the trip your child has a number of unauthorised absences, persistent poor behaviour or a singular serious incident of poor behaviour we have the right to withdraw your child’s place on the trip.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs L Wilcox
Year 10 Progress Manager