24th November 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

As a school we have taken part in the School Health Research Network survey for a number of years, further information on the survey can be accessed here: https://www.shrn.org.uk/

The information in the survey covers a wide range of topics including:

  • Healthy eating and physical activity
  • Mental and emotional health and wellbeing
  • Smoking and alcohol use and other substance use
  • Sex and relationships

We would like to invite you in on Wednesday 7th December at 17.00 to share the results of the most recent survey with you. There will also be a representative from Swansea Council Early Help Hub present. The Early Help Hub is the main point of contact for those seeking advice and support where they have worries about the wellbeing of children, young people and their families.

Tickets for the event can be booked here:


Tickets will be able to book from 17.00 on Thursday 24th November but are limited and on a first come first serve basis Tickets for this event must be booked before 17.00 on Monday 5th December. Please book a ticket for each person who is planning on attending. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours faithfully,

Mr. Christopher Mitchell

Care, Support and Guidance Coordinator