20th September 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

Our calendared Year 10 Information Evening on the 3rd of October 2022 will be held virtually this year.

We will be launching an area on the school website which will include a downloadable information booklet, a presentation outlining the curriculum structure of key stage 4 and a range of short videos that will provide information about the core subjects. We will be sending out further communication with a direct link to the specific webpage once it goes live.

The purpose of the evening is to give you an understanding of the core subjects that pupils will be studying at GCSE as well as further information about other GCSE, BTEC and vocational qualifications. The short videos will also provide the most up to date guidance we have received from the exam board regarding qualifications.

The information pack will help your child to have an understanding of the course requirements for each of the subjects they are studying. It will help them to organise their learning over the next two years and we believe that this will have a significant positive impact upon your child’s GCSE results in 2024.

Thank you in anticipation for your ongoing support.

Yours faithfully,

Mr C. Mitchell
Care, Support and Guidance Coordinator