Dear Parent/Guardian

Year 7 Trip to Heatherton

 To celebrate the end of our school year, we have organised a trip to Heatherton on Wednesday 20th July 2022.  The cost will be £22 per pupil, which is non-refundable.

They will either need a packed lunch or money to purchase food.  The buses leave the school at 9.00 a.m. and will return at approximately 5.15 p.m. so please make the necessary arrangements to pick up your child.  It will be a non-uniform day but please ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing.

To enable your child to go on the trip please could you fill in the online consent form which can be found here. Payment for the trip needs to be made via our Squid online payment system which is available here. If you have any problems using any of our online systems, please contact the school office who can assist you.

All payments and consent forms must be with us by 9.00 am on Friday 15th July and the payment system will close at that time.  The companies we are using have stipulated that we must confirm final numbers by that day.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept any payments after the Friday deadline.

The end of year trip is a reward for most of our pupils who demonstrate good or excellent attendance and behaviour throughout the year. If over the period before the trip your child has a number of unauthorised absences, persistent poor behaviour or a singular serious incident of poor behaviour the school reserve the right to withdraw your child’s place on the trip.

Yours faithfully,


Mr. C. Mitchell
Care, Support and Guidance Coordinator