Thursday 24th  June 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

Following on from the letter I sent out last month regarding uniform, I would like to thank you for your continued support in ensuring standards of uniform are kept high across the school. It is evident from the appearance of pupils that the collaborative approach between the school and yourselves has had a significant impact in a very short time and shows the effectiveness of our strong home school links.


Message from uniform suppliers for academic year 2021/22

Our uniform suppliers Bergoni have asked us to share the following information with you:

Please could parents/carers come into the store to order as soon as possible, preferably by the end of July. This year delays have been encountered with deliveries and this could have an impact on availability in August. However, we are not saying that parents who choose to come in during August will not have uniform. There is a very good chance we will have what they need before the pupils go back to school, as in previous years. Last year every parent that ordered before 19th August had the uniform before the return to school date guaranteed and many orders after this date were also fulfilled.

We are also continuing the great success of our fitting appointments which are already filling up. A parent can book a time slot for the fitting room to skip the queue and purchase or order uniform on the day.

Please follow @bergoniemb on Facebook for important messages through the coming months.



Please note that whilst we allow the wearing of plain black leggings for days when pupils have PE or as part of the summer term uniform, they need to be made of the appropriate material for PE and not fashion style leggings. Appropriate school branded leggings are available from our uniform supplier Bergoni. Leggings should not to be worn in place of school trousers.


False nails

Pupils should not wear false fingernails to school. They are a hazard to themselves and others e.g. playing sports and physical exercise; practical work in design and technology or science.


Thank you again for your valued support. If you have any issues in relation to uniform please contact your child’s form tutor/Progress Manager in the first instance. If you have a more specific query please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Christopher Mitchell

Care, Support and Guidance Coordinator