Year 10 isolation and blended learning

Year 10 Isolation   28th June 2021. Dear Parent/Carer, During the year 10 isolation period the school will be supporting your child’s learning by reverting to blended learning accessing work through Teams and StudyZone. Online learning will start from Tuesday...

School Uniform Information

Thursday 24th  June 2021 Dear Parent/Carer, Following on from the letter I sent out last month regarding uniform, I would like to thank you for your continued support in ensuring standards of uniform are kept high across the school. It is evident from the appearance...

Break time & extra-curricular changes

Friday 18th June 2021 Dear Parent/Carer, Firstly, many thanks for successfully preparing your child for their return to school following the half-term break. Through correct uniform and wearing masks to school each day your actions directly contribute to...