12th March 2021

Pupils return to school

Dear Parent/Carer,

Further to the letter I sent you on Friday 5th March a few additional points are highlighted below:

  • Catering – Pupils will need to bring their own packed lunch to school up to the Easter break, the catering service will resume from Tuesday 13th April.
  • Covid-19 safeguarding – all relevant information, including risk assessments, can be accessed here: https://pontcomp.co.uk/covid/
  • Lateral flow tests – these voluntary Covid-19 tests are for pupils in Years 10 and 11 only. More information on the specific detail of the processes are currently being finalised by Welsh Government. It is our current intention to start on 22nd March, we shall keep you updated.
  • Return to school weeks – all pupils will return to school on a Week 1, please remind your child to bring the correct equipment. Return dates: Year 11- March 15th; Year 10 – March 18th; Year 7,8 and 9 – April 13th.
  • School uniform grants – The Welsh Government provides school uniform grants (£200 for Year 7 and £125 for other year groups) to assist families on low income. More information can be found here: https://www.swansea.gov.uk/schooluniformgrant

We hope your child is looking forward to their return to school, by working together we can make it an enjoyable, engaging and a sustainable experience. Please contact the school if you require any additional support.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. G. Rees
