Date: 10/03/2020

Dear Parent or Carer,

Information regarding the school check in days for year 7 – 9

You are receiving this letter as you booked your child in to attend one of the check in sessions available at school.

The check in sessions will run during the week commencing Monday 22nd March for the following year groups:

Year 7 – Thursday 25th March

Year 8 – Monday 22nd March

Year 9 – Tuesday 23rd March

Below are some other important points to bear in mind:

  • School transport will be running as normal
  • Pupils will need to wear school uniform
  • Face coverings will need to be worn by all pupils in all indoor areas of the school, including classrooms
  • Pupils must bring their own packed lunch, no catering/vending facilities will be available on school site
  • The school day timings will run as normal from 8.30 am until 3.00 pm
  • Upon arrival at school, pupils are to go straight to the Main Hall where they will be given further instructions for the day ahead

Yours faithfully,

Mr. G. Rees
